Whether the approach is negotiation, litigation or alternate dispute resolution, Howard E. Warren is there for you to help resolve all your family law issues.
Children and
In many breakups child and parenting issues can be difficult to resolve. The main issues to be considered are with which parent the children will live primarily and how much time the other parent will be entitled to with them.
Child and Spousal
When parties separate they must consider whether it is appropriate to make financial provisions for their spouse and their children. There are guidelines set out by the government that set out a framework for support, but they can be difficult to interpret and apply.
Domestic Contracts
and Agreements
It is preferable to have a written contract when you start a serious relationship and when you leave it. If you agree going in as to the terms of spousal support and the division of property, that will save you the grief and cost of negotiating those terms later.
Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)
In addition to assisting his clients with pre-marriage contracts and post-separation matters, Howard is also qualified as a certified specialist in family mediation and to arbitrate family law matters as well.
If you require more information about ADR, please visit Warren Mediation Group.

When parties cannot resolve family law disputes through negotiation or mediation, or if matters are of an urgent nature that require court intervention, clients can rely on Howard’s over 40 years of experience bringing matters to court so that a judge can make a ruling, or a more favourable solution (achieving a resolution prior to seeing a judge).
The cost of litigation is great, but it can often be reduced through negotiation. Although Alternate Dispute Resolution is highly effective, only a judge can award a divorce.
Client Testimonial Videos
Articles & Resources
Government delays Divorce Act amendments
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Ontario Courts Gradually Resuming In-Person Proceedings
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New Regional Senior Justice Appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice
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