New Regional Senior Justice Appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice

TORONTO — Attorney General Doug Downey has announced the appointment of a new Regional Senior Justice to the Ontario Court of Justice, East Region, effective September 25, 2020.

Justice W. Vincent Clifford will be replacing Regional Senior Justice Jean Legault.

Justice Clifford was called to the bar in 1991 and specialized in criminal law until he was appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice in 2017.  Following his appointment, the Association of Ontario Judges appointed him co-chair of the East Regional Education Committee.

Justice Clifford was previously a term professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Common Law and served as courthouse administrator of the University of Ottawa’s criminal law courthouse mentorship program.

A regional senior judge of the Ontario Court of Justice exercises the powers, and performs the duties of the Chief Justice in his or her region, subject to the authority of the Chief Justice. This includes scheduling court hearings and assigning cases to individual judges.

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